In the United Kingdom, as reported on BBC, they just finished a government inquiry into information dissemination on climate change. Amongst other minor issues.. Has anyone ever seen the BBC shows Yes Minister or Yes Prime Minister?
An interesting part of this issue is revealed when you read United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. FCCC/AWGLCA/2009/INF.2 15 September 2009
This document contains reordered and/or consolidated sections of the revised negotiating text
(FCCC/AWGLCA/2009/INF.1) prepared by facilitators during and after the informal meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA) held in Bonn, Germany, on 10–14 August 2009. I quote
"2) The range of emission reductions in paragraphs 31 (a) and 34 (a) should be removed from the shared vision chapter and treated in the mitigation chapter."
Does this make it harder to find?
It seems to me, while perusing this document, the whole purpose is to punish developed countries and reward developing countries. I especially make note of .
PP.14 Acknowledging that current atmospheric concentrations are principally the result of historical emissions of greenhouse gases, the most significant share of which has originated in developed countries.
PP.15 Further acknowledging that developed countries have a historical responsibility for their disproportionate contribution to the causes and consequences of climate
change, reflecting their
disproportionate historical use of a shared global carbon space since 1850 as well as their proposed continuing disproportionate use of the remaining global carbon space.
The United States of America is the greatest Industrial Country in the world. It is easy to look back and give credence to some of these claims. In the time of our greatest growth, the science to support this thesis didn't exist. Today it does and we have taken and continue to take steps to alleviate the problem.
The science does exist today. So why isn't China trying to control their emissions. At the last Olympics, the government had every factory and business shut down two months ahead of time, just to get the air clear enough to breathe. Of course this wasn't widely commented on. And, considering the size, population and sheer disregard for human life, where is the outcry? If you were to take overall greenhouse gases volume, what is their percentage? And they do it knowing the effects.
But the United Nations will not try to punish them, just us. This document reminds me of the Kyota Treaty. The United Nations is trying to pass off the notion of equitable responsibility. What they mean is developed countries ( ie us) must sacrifice.
Page 7
8. Deep cuts [by developed countries] [by all Annex I country Parties] [by all developed countries]in global emissions by Parties in accordance with their historical responsibilities, as well as the principles FCCC/AWGLCA/2009/INF.2
Page 8
of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities, and realistic changes in emission patterns [will be] [are urgently] required to prevent dangerous interference with the climate system and achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention. Early and urgent action by all countries on the basis of equity and according to their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities is necessary.
I don't care how I read this, The United Nations is trying use Climate Change as one more stepping stone to punishing the United States for being successful. One more brick in their desire for Equity without Effort.
I practice thinking for myself and encourage it in others. These are my opinions and views. In all things, I want to promote Common Sense as a Common Quality.
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